Terms defined in the abstract should be defined independently in the main text.
$km s^{-1}$ rather than $km/s$.
dates are written in the order: year, month, and day (e.g. 1996 January 1). In tables, use three-letter abbreviations for months, without a period.
avoid beginning sentences with a symbol, number, or lower-case letter.
in a series of three or more items, include a comma before the final item (e.g., "space, time, and matter")
including line numbers in your manuscript provides an easy way for reviewers to reference specific locations in the text thus we encourage authors to include then in both submission and revision. (\usepackage{lineno} \linenumbers)
first level titles and appendix titles should all be in capital letters; the title of second level should capitalized on the first letter of each word, except for articles, conjunctions, and prepositions.
footnotes should be confined to providing URLs, affiliations, or other peripheral information, and should not be used for discussions of, or expansions on, the text.
For convenience of citation of equations, authors should number all displayed equations. Equations should not be referred to by their number alone. "substituting equation (45)" rather than "substituting (45)."
vectors are normally distinguished by bold italic type; arrows over symbols are not used to denote vector. vector operations and operator are also set bold.
tensors may be set bold non-italic if it is necessary to distinguish them from vectors.
values given in scientific notation should be expressed with a multiplication sign preceding the power of 10 (e.g. $3.4x10^-2$); in table only, the form 3.4E-2 may be used.
single-letter subscripts and indexed referring to variables are conventionally set in italic.
stacked fractions are not permitted in the body of the text or in superscripts.
all tables are typeset with horizontal rules only; no vertical rules are used. column headings should label the entries concisely, the first letter of each word is capitalized. units of measurement should be given in parentheses immediately below the column heading. to indicate the omission of an entry, ellipsis dots are used.
Figure legends should distinguish (a),(b),(c), etc., components of the figure. All lines and symbols should be explained in the legend.
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