
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Notes on emission from SNR

Disentangling hadronic from leptonic emission in G326.3−1.8
Assuming the sedov phase, we can derive the kinetic energy released by the supernova.
It is depended on the gas density.
Can the density be determined by observations.
We describe the electron population as a broken power-law spectrum with an exponential cutoff.
The break is assumed to be due to cooling, therefore we set $\Gamma_2=\Gamma_1+1$, while the cutoff defines the maximum attainable energy if the particles.
We report the range of permitted values of free parameters, such as the total energy and electron-proton ratio $K_{ep}$.
Since the maximum energy of protons is always higher than that of electrons, which suffer synchrotron losses and other losses, we used the maximum value of maximum electron energy as a lower limit.
For the source discussed in the paper, the leptonic model requires too much energy and results in the $K_{ep}$ too large.
From the derived relation between $\tau_{syn},t_{acc},B,u_{sh}$ et al., we can derive the break energy $E_b(\tau_{syn}=t_{age})$ (???) and maximum energy E_{max}(t_{acc}=min(\tau_{syn},t_{age})).

Non-thermal emission from the reverse shock of the youngest galactic Supernova remnant G1.9+0.3
 thermal-leakage injection model.
thermal leakage can not be the only injection mechanism for electrons. The shock thickness is commensurate with the gyro radius of the incoming protons, and only particles with Larmor radii a few times that see the shock as a discontinuity and can be accelerated by DSA. For typical SNR shock speeds, electrons would only get injected into the DSA process if their momentum is above a few tens of MeV/c.

However, a fraction of the electrons might be pre-accelerated at the shock, for instance by shock-surfing acceleration or shock drift acceleration.

we consider two realizations of the diffusion coefficient. The first option is to assume Bohm diffusion close to the shock and in the downstream region, and to have a transition to the galactic diffusion coefficient further upstream.

 Alternatively the amplification of Alfvenic turbulence can be explicitely treated by solving a sep- ´ arate wave transport equation and thus calculating the diffusion coefficient self-consistently (Brose et al. 2016).

Here we assumed Bohm-like diffusion in the downstream and in the upstream of the remnant up to a radius of 1.1 · Rsh. From 2 · Rsh we used the galactic diffusion coefficient, and an exponential profile connects the two regimes in the intermediate range.

Usually, just a few per cent of the thermal energy of the plasma are assumed to be transformed to magnetic-field energy - otherwise the evolution of SNRs should considerably deviate from purely hydrodynamical predictions.

The strong synchrotron cooling also has effects on the morphology of the remnant. In the emission profiles, the X-ray peak is always close behind the forward shock, as only recently accelerated electrons have sufficient energy to emit X-ray photons. Radio photons, on the other hand, can be emitted by all previously accelerated electrons in the downstream



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two-fluid cosmic ray model implemented in Enzo

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Finite volume methods for compressible MHD

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Few concepts in astrophysics radiation

Power that the source emits in radiation
$E = \int Ldt$

Power received per unit area $\phi = L/(4\pi d^2)$
$[\phi] = W/{m^2}$
$E=\int_{all area} dtdA$

Flux density/ specific density (specific refers to $Hz^{-1}$)
Power received per unit area and unit frequency
Flux is the integrate of  flux density $\phi = \int F_{\nu}d\nu$
Astronomers often say flux when they mean flux density
$E=\int F_{\nu}d\nu dAdt$

Surface luminosity/ specific intensity
Power received or emitted per unit are per unit frequency per unit solid angle
$dF_{\nu}=I_{\nu} \cos(\theta)d\Omega$
Specific intensity is independent on the distance ?
mean specific intensity $J_{\nu}=\frac{1}{4\pi}\int I_{\nu}d\Omega$
$[I_{\nu}= W/m^2/sr/Hz]$
The perceived measurement area orthogonal to the incident flux is significantly reduced at oblique angles, causing energy to be spread out over a wider area than it would if it was falling perpendicular to the surface.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Second-order linear differential equation

A second-order linear differential equation has the form
\[ p(x)\frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + Q(x)\frac{dy}{dx} + R(x)y = G(x). \]
If $G(x)=0$, for all $x$, such equations are called homogeneous linear equations.
If $G(x)\neq 0$, the equation is called nonhomogeneous.

For homogeneous and constant coefficient equations,
\[ ay''+by'+cy=0,\]
the solution is shown below.

Assume the solution has this form: $e^{rx}$. We will get
For $\Delta>0$,   the solution is                     $c_1e^{r_1x}+c_2e^{r_2x}$.
       $\Delta=0$,   $r_1=r_2$                          $c_1e^{r_1x}+c_2xe^{r_2x}$.
       $\Delta<0$,   $r=\alpha\pm i\beta$         $e^{\alpha x}(c_1\cos(\beta x) + c_2\sin(\beta x))$.


Thursday, May 9, 2019

A simple derivation for parker transport equation

The continuity equation in differential form
\frac{\partial f}{\partial t} =-\nabla \cdot \overrightarrow{S.}
In a given volume, the rate of change of the number of particles,$\displaystyle \frac{\partial f}{\partial t}$, is given by the numer of particles that across the surface enclosing the volume, assuming no source of particle is present.
$\displaystyle \vec{S}$ is the streaming crrent density of particles across the surface.

\vec{S} \ =\ \vec{V} f\ -K\cdot \nabla f\ \\
\nabla _{p} \cdot \overrightarrow{S_{p}} =\frac{1}{p^{2}}\frac{\partial }{\partial p}\left( p^{2} \langle \dot{p} \rangle f\right) \ ,\ \overrightarrow{S_{p}} =\langle \dot{p} \rangle f\\
\frac{\partial f}{\partial t} +\nabla \cdot \left(\vec{V} f-K\cdot \nabla f\right) +\left(\frac{1}{p^{2}}\frac{\partial }{\partial p}\left( p^{2} \langle \dot{p} \rangle f\right)\right) =0
note. The streaming is included in $\vec{S}$.
adiabatic cooling resulting the average change in momentum is $\displaystyle \langle \dot{p} \rangle =-\frac{p}{3} \nabla \cdot \vec{V}$.
\frac{\partial f}{\partial t} +f\nabla \cdot \vec{V} +\vec{V} \cdot \nabla f-\frac{( \nabla \cdot \overrightarrow{V)}}{3p^{2}}\left( 3p^{2} f+p^{3}\frac{\partial f}{\partial p}\right)\\
=\frac{\partial f}{\partial t} +f\nabla \cdot \vec{V} +\vec{V} \cdot \nabla f-( \nabla \cdot \overrightarrow{V)}\left( f+\frac{p}{3}\frac{\partial f}{\partial p}\right)\\
=\frac{\partial f}{\partial t} +\vec{V} \cdot \nabla f-\left( \nabla \cdot \vec{V}\right)\frac{p}{3}\frac{\partial f}{\partial p}

note.\ \frac{dT}{dt} =\frac{dp}{dt}\frac{dT}{dp} =\frac{-\nabla \cdot \vec{V}}{3}\left(p*\frac{p}{T+m}\right) =\frac{-( \nabla \cdot \overrightarrow{V)}}{3} T\left(\frac{T+2m}{T+m}\right) .\\
\frac{dE}{dt} =\frac{dp}{dt}\frac{dE}{dp} =\frac{-\left( \nabla \cdot \vec{V}\right)}{3}(pv)

When differential energy density, $U_p=4\pi p^2f$, is convected with velocity $V$, the flux observed is not $VU_p$, but rather $S_p=CVU_p$, where $C=\frac{-1}{3}\frac{\partial lnf}{\partial lnp} = \frac{-1}{3}\frac{p}{f}\frac{\partial f}{\partial p}$ is called the Compton-Getting coefficien.
For $f=Ap^{-\gamma}$, C is $\frac{\gamma}{3}$. if $\gamma$ is 4.7, then the C is $4.7/3\sim 1.57$.

The adiabatic rate of change of momentum $\dot p = −(1/3)p\nabla\cdot V$ referred to above, is actually the rate of change in the non-inertial frame. The rate in the stationary frame is $\dot p=−(1/3)pV \cdot (\nabla f/f)$.

Radiation Environments and Damage in Silicon Semiconductors Silicon chapter4
Cosmic-Ray Modulation Equations

My dissertation materials

1. energy equipartition to determine the magnetic field

2. derive the parker equation and adiabatic energy loss
Cosmic Rays in the Interplanetary 
Radiation Environments and Damage in Silicon Semiconductors Silicon

4. Cosmic ray astrophysics (history and general review)

5.Cosmic-ray acceleration and transport, and diffuse galactic gamma-ray emission

6. introduction to turbulence

7. review of cosmic ray physics

8.Magnetic fields in supernova remnants and pulsar-wind nebulae

9. particle trajectory in magnetic field
 Revisiting the Equipartition Assumption in Star-forming Galaxies

10. MF review
Practical Modeling of Large-Scale Galactic MagneticFields: Status and Prospects

11. electron spectrum in SNR
Analytical solutions for energy spectra of electrons accelerated by nonrelativistic shock-waves in shell type supernova remnants
Evolution of cosmic ray electron spectra in magnetohydrodynamical simulations

12. sun magnetic field 11 evolution

13. More detailed Monte Carlo models of shock acceleration that include the nonlinear e†ects of the accelerated particles on the shock itself (Ellison et al. 1995, 1996) produce somewhat di†erent results. For the same overall compression ratio, the particle spectra at nonrelativistic energies tend to have spectral indices steeper than that given by the simple model discussed above (2.5), while at ultrarelativistic energies, the spectra Ñatten to indices somewhat less than discussed above (1.5).

Radio Properties of Pulsar Wind Nebulae

15. radio index in snr

15. introduction to CR

16. CR escape

17. Protheroe (2004) performed a detailed study of the shape of the cutoff for particles experiencing diffusive shock acceleration

18. Diffusive Shock Acceleration and Magnetic Field Amplification

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Solutions to problems when plot with matplotlib

1. can not find 'tkinter' in matplotlib
import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg')

Plot contour/scatter figure by matplotlib

This is my code.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
import numpy as np

x,y,z = np.loadtxt('GRID007.dat',unpack=True)
''' plt.tricontourf(x,y,z,[min(z),37,74,111])
plt.plot(1.07204,0.762,color='red',linestyle="None",marker='*',label=r'best fit ($\chi^2=100$')

Google search tricks

1) when lots of word are missing

If it’s the lengthier half of the phrase you can’t remember rather than a single key word, try writing out the first and last words and putting “AROUND + (the approximate number of missing words)“ between them. For example: amazon around(5) best

2)Google searches may vary depending on your search history and location. If you don't want these factors to alter your results, try the following things:
Do your search as normal. On the results page, add this code to the end of the URL: &pws=0

3)search by date
example: google around(4) easier before:2019-02-02 after:2019-1-1

4)add in the url : &num=3