
Monday, November 16, 2020

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Linux resource management tool Slurm

Slurm is a group utilities used for managing workloads on computer clusters.

Some clusters use Slurm as the batch queuing system and the scheduling mechanism.

Jobs are submitted to Slurm from a login node and Slurm handles scheduling these jobs on nodes.

sinfo -l command displays information about nodes and partitions.

sbatch submit a job where is the script you want to run.

scancel jobID cancels a job

squeue -u userID shows state of jobs

An example for job submit script, e.g., job.slurm 

Execute script

$ sbatch job.slurm

two examples interactive shell
$srun -n 1 --pty bash -i

$srun --mem=4096 --pty  /bin/bash --time=01:00:00

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Show logged users in Linux

 There are few simple commands which can display who are logged in the Linux.





Typing one of these commands in the terminal, it will display the logged in users information.